Code of Conduct 

We have created a code of conduct for this event to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. If you have any questions about this Code of Conduct, please contact Dan Jacques

The event partners are committed to diversity, equality, and providing a safe and productive environment for open dialogue and the free expression of ideas, free of harassment, discrimination and hostile conduct. We recognise a shared responsibility to create and maintain that environment for the benefit of all.

This code outlines our expectations for all participants at the Data Day which includes speakers, attendees, media, sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers, and staff.

We expect and will encourage everyone to be:

  • considerate, respectful and courteous to those in attendance

  • respect diversity of thought from fellow participants

  • refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behaviour and speech

  • respect the structure of the event and focus of each session.

The following behaviours are unacceptable:

  • intentional disruption of presentations, workshops or other events

  • intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct, including conduct (physical or verbal) meant to provoke

  • offensive verbal comments, including comments that others may find inappropriate (e.g., related to race, ethnicity, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, etc.)

  • inappropriate use of nudity (e.g., sexual or lewd images)

  • intimidation or stalking

  • harassing photography or recording

  • inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact or verbal advances

  • physical, written, verbal or other abuse (e.g., threats, annoyance, pushing, shoving or physical force whatsoever against any person, which in any way creates a disturbance that is disruptive or dangerous, or creates anxiety or apprehension in an individual)

  • boisterous, lewd or offensive behaviour or content such as profanity, obscene gestures or slurs

  • possession of any item that can be used as a weapon, which may cause danger to others if used inappropriately

  • possessing alcoholic beverages in areas not specifically designated for the consumption of alcohol

  • possessing any illegal substance such as narcotics

  • being under the influence of substances to the point of unseemly intoxication (e.g., alcohol or drugs)

  • smoking and vaping, other than in designated areas

  • failing to obey any rules or regulations of the venue

Anyone engaged in unacceptable behaviour will be asked to leave the event without warning or refund and face exclusion from future events.

Reporting Code of Conduct Violations

If you think you have seen activity that violates the letter or spirit of this Code of Conduct, please alert the event organisers promptly either at the reception desk or find those wearing labels.