Accessibility and Inclusion

We are committed to ensuring that as many people as possible can attend the Gloucestershire Data Day. Along with our partners, Barnwood Trust, we are working to ensure that there is a package of support available to assist people who would like to come.

Although the tickets for this event are free, we realise that there are hidden costs and barriers for some people to attend.

The boxes below detail 3 access and inclusion areas we are aiming to address. These include:

  • access to the venue

  • communications at the event so that everyone can take part

  • expenses contributions for anyone that will incur costs that would prevent them from attending.

We would also like to hear from people about any other access requirements that would be helpful for them.

If you would like to register your interest for support please fill out the section on the booking form and we will contact you directly. Alternatively please email with any queries in advance of booking.

Venue access

Parabola Arts centre is considered an accessible venue and it was one of the reasons we selected it. We aim to ensure that access support needs are met wherever possible.  The venue has the following in place:

  • No-step access. The venue’s front entrance has steps but there is a no-step entrance on the Parabola Road side of the building with push-pad access.

  • Guide dogs are welcome

  • Accessible toilets can be found by the main toilets in the venue, by the circle bar, and the dance studio – all areas are accessible via a lift.

We can also provide the following. Please let us know if any of these options would help you to attend:

  • Being met at the entrance

  • A quiet space


We recognise that for the d/Deaf community, those who have hearing difficulties, those for whom English is not a first language and those who have visual impairments, there can be a range of barriers to attending face to face events.

  • Hearing Enhancers. The venue is equipped with hearing enhancers.

Please let us know by 1st November if you could benefit with any of these:

  • British Sign Language

  • Lip Reading

  • Speech to text

  • Large print materials

  • Language Translator

We will try our best to make these available whenever you book your ticket but we know some services - such as hiring BSL professionals require more notice so please let us know as soon as possible on


We recognise that many working in sectors relevant to this event may struggle with the high cost of living, with childcare support and/or work voluntarily or for low incomes. Others may have specific costs to meet, such as paying a support worker to attend an event like this with them.

Please let us know if you may require support with any of these to attend:

  • Travel Expenses

  • PA / Support Worker Expenses 

  • Help in covering lost income

  • Help in covering childcare costs

  • Interpretation

For those in most need, we have a modest budget to support with travel expenses and for those who require a personal assistant to attend.